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Annual Report Annual Report 2023 POPULAR

Throughout the report you will read about our activities, Lunchtime Talks, trainings, participations, etc. In addition to the list of publications and a summary about the sources of financing and distribution of the Institution's expenses, the performance of our website and social media activity, and the projects we have planned for 2024.

Creado 15-03-2024
Cambiado el 19-03-2024
Tamaño 5.52 MB
Creado por Marianita Palou
Modificado por Marianita Palou
Descargas 1,000

Instituto para la Cooperación Científica en Ambiente y Salud

Ciencia para un mundo nuevo


  • Av. Santa Fe 1145, piso 4. 
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires,

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